Data Meon Valley Surnames 1841

Exton Church Yard Hampshire

Data collected from the 1841 census on Meon Valley surnames, shows the incidence of surnames in individual villages along the Meon Valley. This bank of data reveals some interesting finds. It is an incomplete but growing body of data useful to Hampshire family historians.

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Family Names of The United Kingdom

A publicly accessible online database of surnames will be available in 2014 thanks to a great project being developed at the University of the West of England The study of the origins of surnames has largely been the preserve of those who study genealogy but like place names, they are an intriguing link back to…

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DataVis Network Diagrams

Jane Austen in Steventon

HGS Embedded Data Visualisation Prototype Testing This is an exploratory and experimental demonstration using nodal graphing and network diagram techniques around the density ad incidence of a sample of 7,500+ Family History Records Summarised as a SURNAME Network Map. It demonstrates how the maths of Graphing theory overcomes the relatively inflexible structure of the traditional…

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How can You Survey 5 Million Books in Less than 5 Secs?

Use the Hampshire Digital Humanities Tool Tips and Connections for your project

If in 5 seconds you could glean some relevant data and insights from a text database (known as Corpra) searching 500 Billion Words in the process, would you be impressed? Books are wonderful things and with Ebooks, Ereaders, Tablets whatever the type or platform it has never been easier to read on the go and…

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